Friends of Minnesota
Scientific & Natural Areas
Click the image below to view the letter to Governor Dayton regarding solar provisions in the Jobs and Energy Omnibus bill, to which FMSNA signed on as part of the Minnesota Environmental Partnership Defense Agenda.
In the letter we urge the Governor to reject the GOP majority's provisions which would reverse the highly visible progress our state has made in the direction of clean energy. Replacing fossil fuels with solar and other green energy is important if we are to limit climate change's predicted negative impact on our Scientific and Natural Areas. Prof. Lee E Frelich, Director of the University of Minnesota Center for Forest Ecology, and Institute on the Environment, predicted that the climate appropriate for prairies will have moved as far to the northeast as the BWCAW by the end of this century if current trends continue. This shift will not allow many of the plants and animals in the native biomes of our SNA's to survive where they currently are and most will not be able to make the transition north as the climate shifts.