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The DNR denied our Petition for Adoption of Rules Requiring Non-toxic Fishing Tackle and Non-toxic Ammunition in MN State Parks and SNAs.  However, page 1 states: “The DNR has determined that, over the next year it will implement two changes …”


  1. “The DNR will identify all SNAs that allow hunting and require the use of non-toxic bullets and non-toxic shot on those lands.” [Emphasis added.]

  2. “The DNR will also require the use of non-toxic bullets and non-toxic shot at State Parks when it issues permits for special hunts. [Emphasis added.]


A small step forward – and probably faster than the rule-making process – if the DNR completes the tasks within “next year.”

We will need to continue to press our Representatives and Senators in the Minnesota Legislature to pass legislation to accomplish the ends our DNR Commissioner Strommen does favor. There are champions like Kelly Morrison we can count upon but as long as the Senate is controlled by the Republican caucus, progress seems likely to be difficult.

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